The Benefits of Going Green

It’s up to all of us to do our part for the environment - chances are you already participate in many environmentally friendly activities at home, but what about your small business? There are many benefits to going green in your small business and it’s actually easier than you think to implement environmentally sustainable business practices at the small business level. Read on for more.

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Why Should My Small Business Go Green?

  • Reduce operating costs: you can save your small business money simply by turning off lights and shutting down computers when they are not in use, refilling printer ink cartridges rather than purchasing new ones, and reducing fuel consumption by carpooling or offering work-from-home days where possible.

  • Get ahead of the competition: positioning yourself as an environmentally conscious business can give you an edge against your competitors. Green businesses can be seen as more trustworthy to customers and can generate goodwill within the community, which can help to get your business talked about.

  • Attract better staff: if you want to attract a higher quality of talent to help your business succeed, going green can help. Millennials in particular tend to favour sustainable businesses when applying for jobs. Better quality staff will lead to a better quality product.

  • Receive environmental awards & grants: green businesses can be eligible for a number of environmental awards and grants - to find out what your business could be eligible for, check out

  • Help the environment: the biggest reason for going green is to help the environment!

5 Tips for Going Green in Your Small Business

  1. Perform an environmental audit: this involves looking closely at your business to identify waste issues and see what areas you can improve to be more environmentally friendly. You can then make a plan to tackle these areas.

  2. Go paperless: it’s easier than ever to go paperless in your small business. Try switching to emailed receipts, utilise the cloud (for example switching to Quickbooks Online or Xero), and using iPads for contract signing etc. You’ll save money on printing costs and as a bonus, you won’t have to waste space storing all of your paperwork.

  3. Stop using single-use plastics: wherever possible, you should reduce single-use plastics in your small business like straws and disposable coffee cups.

  4. Participate in a recycling program: educate yourself and your employees on what can be recycled, and participate in a recycling program like Redcycle or there are a number of recycling programs aimed at businesses via TerraCycle, like office supplies and even hair net recycling.

  5. Consider investing in eco-friendly equipment: look into purchasing hybrid vehicles for your business which can also save you money on fuel costs and look into eco-friendly alternatives when purchasing equipment for your business.

We can help your business go paperless! Connect with us today to find out how.

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